Friday, June 23, 2006

Take Your Bike To Work Day

With no sales calls scheduled for Friday, and clear skies for as far as the eye could see, this morning seemed like the perfect opportunity for my first bike ride to work. I get up at regular time, make coffee as usual, but skip the e-mail/pitchfork/blog session. I leave for work at 7:15, figuring on a 45 min ride.

As it turns out, Shift was offering free coffee and doughnuts to bikers on the Broadway bridge (a photo I did not take appears above and to the left), so I stopped off for a few minutes for a break, talked to some fellow bikers, and admired the view of the city from the bridge.

I got to work a few minutes shy of 8. Unfortunately, no one was there to witness my glorious arrival.

Biking home was a bit more difficult (or at least could have been). I cross the Broadway Bridge again, but instead of peddling my heart out on either the Interstate or Greeley Ave. hills, I caught the max in front of (the now defunct) Gotham Tavern. I only rode one stop, right up the hill, and got off in front of Kaiser. A quick ride back to the casa. Cool shower and cold beer.

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